Value of Uncommons & Commons Value of Uncommons & Commons

Price Reality

Commons & Uncommons

Every card store has a goldmine available to you

Image of Cut DownImage of Sheltered by Ghosts
Image of Kami of Whispered HopesImage of Patchwork Banner
Image of Sheoldred's EdictImage of Cut Down

Every single card store has boxes of unsorted commons and uncommons. While some commons and uncommons have immediate and lasting value many others rise and fall with specific decks and formats. These cards are often sold for $.10 each in bulk to anyone who is willing to sort through the boxes. They have proven to be more lucrative than betting on mythics or rares because I can immediately turn 10 cents into a dollar or more. A treasure hunting expedition spending four dollars gets turned into seventy-five dollars. The challenge is how to quickly identify the cards with this type of value. This is one of the reasons I created this site to dynamically create current lists. Here are a few tips to speed up your sorting.

  • Sort upside down and reverse. Hold the card stack upside down and in reverse (for right-handed people - swap for left handers) this way you can quickly sort based upon set symbol - since we are only interested in standard cards on this site anything not standard can be skipped.
  • Watch for promo and foil cards. Promo cards of useful uncommons and common always fetch a higher price. The same thing is true of foil cards.

Remember that you are locating an immediate increase in value. This is not a bet only buy what you know is already selling for more than you are paying. Cards that are selling for less than $.75 are hard to turn around for any profit the time it takes and TCGplayer cuts will leave you losing money. When sorting cards like this you will run across a lot of duplicates and missorted cards you quickly get an idea of what is not selling in your local area. If you find rare and mythic cards in the boxes pull them and give them to the owner of the store, it never hurts to help the owner sorting is a pain.

Makes sense but where are the lists?

You can find the lists that are updated nightly by visiting prices in the top menu or via these links

Commons Uncommons Rares Mythic