Aetherdrift Hidden Gems Aetherdrift Hidden Gems

Sleeper Cards

Aetherdrift Sleepers

Cards you might have missed in Aetherdrift

Image of Captain Howler, Sea ScourgeImage of Howlsquad Heavy
Image of Voyager GlidecarImage of Samut, the Driving Force
Image of Samut, the Driving ForceImage of Gonti, Night Minister

There is a pretty strong feeling that Aethdrift is not a great set because it has a focus on vehicles which are universally not loved. They have to have a very strong attack effect to make it worth two cards. I believe a lot of people are missing the value of mounts or avoiding sweepers. While it is true that sweepers are far less impactful in today's ultra fast red / bounce decks they do still have an impact. Here are a few cards that I believe are going to be sleeper hits of Aetherdrift.

Two mana for a 2/3 lifelinker is a solid card. Yes it dies to cut down and nowhere to run but still a solid creature. The addition of being able to tutor a plains every turn makes it a nice positive espically with the boros verge being white / red if you have a mountain / plains. It's a solid player for white decks and convoke. I am not saying I would pay more than 10 cents but it's a solid player. Lifelink is really good against the speed decks.

Two mana for a pilot of 4 that can crew / mount two things a turn.. plus avoids nowhere to run while providing a 4 toughness blocker... if there is going to be any vehicle / mount decks this guy is going to be a part of it.

Activated effects like exhaust or literally anything can be increased... think about any deck that uses an ability over and over again... this have a nice slow down ability and is a 3/3 crew 2 flyer for two mana again solid player.

I am the first person in the world that is anti-control decks. I am an old school agro player but we need more counter magic in standard right now. This is a solid flying attacker for two mana and can be sacraficed to counter a spell. I love the impact of this on the board to modify players behavior... you will not cast that board wipe until you have three extra mana and all I need to do is keep one mana up. This is very solid.

Two mana 3/3 vehicle that gives you a card whenever you exhaust... in the right blue deck this could be a real engine for pain. I believe there is going to be a blue/green exhaust deck that will give us all trouble. Exhaust was not supposed to be used multiple times but green has ways to cheat that and this will keep your hand full. I would pay two mana just for the draw effect.

4/2 for three and return from graveyard when you exhaust. This is great in a deck that can exhaust a lot. May not work since exhaust is a set specific ability but we will see... Exhaust looks to be exploitable really bad.

I really want Dinosuar's to be good... having a 5/4 for three mana helps. This means we have two large dinosaurs for three mana... combined with llanowar elves we now have 8 cards that are huge that can be cast on turn two... this is very scary for those small criter agro decks. This card is very strong having an extra anthem for dinosaurs to to shake off all the lost caverns critters to play with this guy.

Anthem combined with making vehicle critters a creature of a certain type is potentially a broken move. This is a 4/4 crew 3 for three mana which is ok... but for the other effect I would pay 3 mana... tribal decks get more reasons to live... Mouse deck anyone... boros convoke with humans ... Dinosaurs.. maybe not..

Aetherdrift may be a sleeper or not... I believe it has the potential to bring back mono-green and a new white/green deck. I am also hoping we get another red/black deck since lizards went away. Don't forget to buy some of these missed cards before they show up in deck lists and take off... right now most are less than a dollar each in the USA.