New Decks
Discard to Win
New deck to consider
Aetherdrift brings us a new potential deck type to be strongly considered. Anyone who has played Pioneer has faced the Phoenix deck with it's many cantrips and never ending turns. That deck requires uses many different spells to out draw their opponent to make sure they always have the right anwsers. In standard it's not worked because the phoenixs are not great. I believe something similar has a place in standard now. Let's start by considering the first part of this deck:

A non-legendary artifact that allows you one of three actions every time you discard a card. So you can have multiple of these cards on the table each triggering when you discard a card.

Next we have the quiet rare talent... while almost all the other talents have gone up in price and usage this one has kept quiet. It is used in the phoenix deck but almost no where else. It allows you to discard a card whenever you cast a non-creature spell. Thus triggering our endurance at higher levels it reduces our casting cost and increases damage of spells.

Aetherdrift's whole pile of pirates do something neat when you discard thus being powered by the action or powering the action with cycling. Mako is a really strong uncommon for this deck. All we need now is bunch of low cost spells that allow us to power the engine / survive. So far we are only red so we could go blast spells like boltwave and lightning strike.. or we could add blue for the pirates and do cantrips and counterspells (which power the engine). There are lots of cards that allow you to draw and discard thus powering the engine. Once you get started I assume you are going to be drawing an extra card and doing 3 damage to your opponent. When red gets a strong card draw it's impossible to beat. The only question is can it survive long enough against the bounce / red decks. Then again discarding is not the worst thing... :)