Price Watch
Weekly Lowest Price Single Highlights
Cards to stock up on
This week we see some odd price drops in advance of the pro-tour. There are some solid bangers on this list so it might be time to buy your playset.

Aclazotz has a weird history being a 4/4 flying lifelinker makes him a little weak in the black five casting cost slot his ability to make someone discard and return when you hand is empty has made him a great end game finisher or balancer.

Broken in every way except for casting cost. It's hard to get this card into play but normally it ends the game when it comes into play.

The dreaded Sunfall. The board wipe to rule all board wipes... exile is super powerful plus leaves a body behind. It's rotating out of standard this year but it's still very playable and at an all time low price.

Cut down the best one mana removal is finally cooling down. At one point in the last three months this was nine dollars each. Now cooling because it's been replaced by artifacts and enchantments that can bounce still a solid player. It does rotate out this year and in pioneer they have fatal push which is better... so buy if you need right now otherwise skip it price will only go down afterall it's an uncommon.

If you play white you should have four of these in your sideboard. Graveyard games are only going to rise with Aetherdrift and bounce. I am blown away by this low price. Graveyard hate is critical to win now. The normal version is even cheaper

The red all star uncommon is getting closer to normal prices as bounce becomes more popular. Good time to pickup a playset this card will be in standard for three more years and will continue to see play.

Generally I have avoided Aetherdrift cards this week because they are so wild in prices but this is the replacement for Sunfall. When Sunfall rotates indestructable becomes desirable again and this avoids it. Good time to get your playset.
Well that's it for this week. You can always view the current lowest price singles by visiting the Lowest Price Ever Page.